Tracking at Sycamore State Park, 4675 N. Diamond Mill Road, Trotwood, OH 45426, starting around 9: a.m. and ending when all dogs have been run. 

This event is open to all Chesapeake Bay Retrievers first, other breeds after. 

(6) TD tracks – entry fee $75

(2) TDX - entry fee $100

Green three streamer rosettes for qualifiers.

Judges: Billie French and Annette Rossman

Entries close Friday, September 11th at 12:00 noon. The drawing for Entrants and Alternates will held on September 13th at 8am (EST), at 2466 East Fairview Road Williamstown, KY 41097.

Accommodations: The Days Inn, 100 Parkview Drive, Brookville, OH 45309

Request premiums or more information
from the co-chairman:
Yvette Yoho – yoho.bluesky@mindspring.com

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