The 2009 National Show Commitee needs your support for a successful and funfilled show.  We have selected beautiful laser-etched glassware and embroidered throws for trophys and hope you will be able to help us make this specialty one to remember!  Listed below are awards classes and the amount to sponsor each one.  Donations to the general funds are also accepted.  Your individual donated sponsored items are welcome as well.

Donation deadline is May 17, 2009
for premium list.

Regular and Non-Regular Classes

Best of Breed - $150
Best of Opposite Sex - $125
Best of Winners - $60
Winners Dog - $80
Winners Bitch - $80
Reserve Winners Dog - $40
Reserve Winners Bitch - $40
Jams - $40
Regular Classes and Non-Regular Classes - $40
Best Junior Handler - $60

Best in Sweeps - $100
Best in Veteran Sweeps - $60
Best of Opposite Sweeps - $80
Best of Opposite Veteran Sweeps - $60
Sweeps Classes - $40

High In Trial - $150
High Combined - $125
Obedience Agility and Rally Classes - $40
Tracking donations also accepted.

Trophy Donations
The American Chesapeake Club National Specialty 2009
September 28- October 4,  2009
Click on the link below to view the Trophy Donations Printable Form